Sunday, March 4, 2007

Successful Mothering Convention

As I mentioned, I went to this awesome conference just for moms and there was truly a great synergy there, all these mamas, all striving toward similar goals, it was pretty cool :). I love conferences like that where I can get rejuvinated and refreshed, more prepared and motivated to be a better mom and wife! I went to a couple of workshops that were really life changing in small ways and I made some mental goals that I would like to publish in an effort to make myself more accountable for the completion of them....
My favorite was Connie Sokol, she is such an amazing person, her workshop was entitled Create Your Ideal Life~how cool is that. I so want to do that.
Here are some of the key points that I want to remember:
*I need to find out exactly what I want from my life
*If you don't set peramiters for yourself, others will do it for you
*Mothers have the power in the home--ability to set the "mood"
*Create a "things I love about my children" journal
*Face the fear and BE your Bold self!
*Create a "gratitude journal"
*Take baby steps toward your dreams
Other thoughts throughout the day:
*It's the direction in life that you are going not the speed
*I can't change the stress but I can always change my pattern of dealing with that stress
*For every negative thought you lose 30 IQ points
*You don't have to "handle" everything, you can just "muddle" sometimes :)
*When you are mad or scared, you are not using the frontal parts of the brain associated with higher learning
*If you can laugh about something, you can survivie it
*Change my perspective!
*Brighten someone's day by smiling
*Take your LOVE to your husband and your FRUSTRATIONS to God
*Life is not made up of minutes, it is made up of moments
*Once you are forced to face your greatest fear you reach a highter level of living
*Think of love in terms of loving others
*Learns something new
*I have no control over who loves me but I have absolute control over who I love
*Love someone you don't like

0 had something to say!: