I think this is a record for the longest stretch between blogs, things have been CRAZY!!!!!
I mean if you know me, you know my life is crazy anyway, so for me to say that, you know it has been insane!
Well I got back from my trip to Boston and started getting settled into my little happlily crazy life, when totally unexpected and out of the blue I got a once in a lifetime opportunity from my parents to go to Guatemala with them!

And...after praying and thinking and more praying, I accepted!!!! Which set off a whirlwind of events that can only translate to C-H-A-O-S times 12.
I had to find caretakers for my kids, Halloween stuff, covering my work shifts, convincing my sweet husband to have the kids all to himself for the 10 days, carpool, Primary program rescheduling, picking up a million hours to make up for the time off, house in order, etc, etc, etc!!!! So that is where I have been. I have not forgotten you my dear sweet blog and 2 readers. (okay maybe 3 :)
I had to find caretakers for my kids, Halloween stuff, covering my work shifts, convincing my sweet husband to have the kids all to himself for the 10 days, carpool, Primary program rescheduling, picking up a million hours to make up for the time off, house in order, etc, etc, etc!!!! So that is where I have been. I have not forgotten you my dear sweet blog and 2 readers. (okay maybe 3 :)
In the middle of all this insanity, I have been trying to maintain as much normalcy in my kids' lives and reassure them that things are just fine, mommy is just losing her mind, that is all, it will be back later, I hope.
Here are a few of the happenings~

And now in two days, I shall be on my way to this:
I can't wait! It is my first time back in 13 years!
We went on a little outing with my work to Wheeler Farm and froze while we rode a tractor ride and picked pumpkins:
We spent and afternoon with our good friends the Skidmore's:

And Jasmine had her first Joy School Fieldtrip at Gardner Village:

She loved petting the animals and seeing the witches all over the village!

And now in two days, I shall be on my way to this: